viernes, 8 de abril de 2011
The British Invade the South
As the war continues the British wanted the support of loyalist in the south. Specially the farmers of Georgia, North and South Carolina. The British wanted the support but they wasted the support because they kept the way they fight, they still don’t learn the lesson, they thought they were fighting a conventional battle. Instead of give the loyalist militia the support they continue fighting with the same strategies. In the south they get their victories and they captured the main sea ports as they did in north. in late 1778 they captured Savannah, Georgia. During spring in 1780 they captured Charleston, South Carolina and at the same time they captured 5000 Patriot soldiers. That summer the British crushed another Patriot army in 1780, they captured Camden. As the British started fighting in the South at the gulf, and Fernando de Galvez simultaneously made an attack at British forts in coast regions. In 1780 he attacked Mobil, Alabama, a British fort. in 1781 they took Pensacola in Florida thi8s was the capital of British west Florida. The Spanish are trying to strengthen their position in the gulf but at the same time the British send their troops from the east weakening the British army in North Carolina.
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The Frontier War
The Proclamation of 1763 didn’t allowed settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains because it was Indian Territory. They had to remain in the east. After the war, there was something called the Pontiac’s Rebellion, a rebellion against the colonials from this came the proclamation. Defying the proclamation the colonies started to settled in the Appalachian Mountains at the west in the early 1770s. This was the out break of the war; they started to take more land. Most Indians sided the British, the frontier was destroyed. The promise to keep in the east was broken. Many Americans increased the attacks. Meanwhile the colonial settles were killing and attacking the neutral Americans because of their land. They would disregarded the trust and start the fight again over and over again. They keep doing this for years. In the North West a colonel called George Rogers Clark lead the Patriots militia in a fight against the British. He took the settles of Kaskaskia and Cahokia in spring of 1778 by the colonel Clark. By the late summers Clark and his soldiers with the he3lp of certain settlers captured all the British posts and Vincennes. The British and the American allies recapture Vincennes. All were captured again. Clark’s men all were unpaid volunteer, they quickly rallied and march. in 1779 they reach Vincennes’s and convinced many Americans to abandon the allies and this allowed Patriots to recapture the forts. By the end the Patriots were allowed to claim the Ohio River Valley. The Patriot troops attacked and burned 40 Iroquois towns; this destroyed the power of the Iroquois federation. the Indians continue attacking and the settlers return to the east.
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European Allies Enter The War
The victory of Saratoga took greater recognize of the American independence. This make France recognize and enter the war. France welcome the opportunity to weaken the enemy; Britain. During early years of the war the French doubted that Patriots could win. They were not willing to risk and open alliance with them because they don’t know if they would win. They were sending secret shievments and ammunitions to the Patriots. These things help the army keep going. Some French volunteers like Marquis de la Fayette provided military expertise.
After Saratoga the French risk an open alliance. This negotiation was in February 1778 and this reflected the genius man of Benjamin Franklin; the negotiator in Paris a leading diplomatic man. He negotiated the alliance with the French.
As the alliance was made and the French army and navy are attacking the British now the war is more even. As the first tried to work together was miserable, the alliance would produce the biggest victory of the war in 1781.
The British suffered another blow in 1779 when Spain enters the war as a French ally. They wanted to defeat Britain but they had caution because they thought what this ally revolts would inspired their own and colonized people. Spanish was not an official American but a Spanish governor, Bernardo de Galvez, provided money and supplies for the patriots since the ports were closed they had to go the other way to Mississippi. He prevented the British ships to get in the Mississippi.
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miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was born into a big family. He was the 15th child of seventeen children in the family. His father, Josiah, was a candle maker. Benjamin helped him make candles and soap. His father wanted him to take over the family business when he grew up, but he wasn't interested. When Benjamin was twelve years old his father apprenticed him to his older brother James, who was a printer.
Benjamin ran away and went to Philadelphia. He started his own successful printing business and published a newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, for many years. He started the first library in America, the first volunteer fire department in Philadelphia, and the first hospital in Pennsylvania. They appointed him postmaster and he created a working postal system. He even created the "Dead Letter Office".
During the American Revolution, he convinced the French to help the Americans. He told the French that if the Redcoats won the war the British would be too powerful. The French and British were enemies, so they didn’t want them to be that powerful. The French sent supplies to the colonists through Benjamin and his spies. He became popular in France once the colonists won the war. Also he helped write the Constitution of the United States, which were the laws for the new country, and he signed four of the most important documents in the country's history. These were the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Treaty of Paris. Benjamin Franklin did amazing things to help the new country going.
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