viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

The Frontier War


  The Proclamation of 1763 didn’t allowed settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains because it was Indian Territory. They had to remain in the east. After the war, there was something called the Pontiac’s Rebellion, a rebellion against the colonials from this came the proclamation. Defying the proclamation the colonies started to settled in the Appalachian Mountains at the west in the early 1770s. This was the out break of the war; they started to take more land. Most Indians sided the British, the frontier was destroyed. The promise to keep in the east was broken. Many Americans increased the attacks. Meanwhile the colonial settles were killing and attacking the neutral Americans because of their land. They would disregarded the trust and start the fight again over and over again. They keep doing this for years. In the North West a colonel called George Rogers Clark lead the Patriots militia in a fight against the British. He took the settles of Kaskaskia and Cahokia in spring of 1778 by the colonel Clark. By the late summers Clark and his soldiers with the he3lp of certain settlers captured all the British posts and Vincennes. The British and the American allies recapture Vincennes. All were captured again. Clark’s men all were unpaid volunteer, they quickly rallied and march. in 1779 they reach Vincennes’s and convinced many Americans to abandon the allies and this allowed Patriots to recapture the forts. By the end the Patriots were allowed to claim the Ohio River Valley. The Patriot troops attacked and burned 40 Iroquois towns; this destroyed the power of the Iroquois federation. the Indians continue attacking and the settlers return to the east.

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